Pirondini Italia

Cucù D'Apres Fontana Luxury Cuckoo Watch

¥49,980(tax included)

Item by Pirondini, an Italian company that manufactures handmade luxury watches. Lucio Fontana&apos ;s works are part of the `Dapré` series, which pays homage to famous artists. A pigeon peeks out of a small window and tells you the time. Recommended for the living room or dining room as an interior accent.

About the product

Pirondini, founded in 1978 is a luxury watch manufacturer located in Northern Italy.We carefully select high-quality materials and manufacture high-performance watches.Pop, colorful and carefully handcrafted by craftsmen using traditional methods. There are many lineups of watches with modern designs. Among them, the cuckoo clock is a popular item by Pirondini, which echoes the sounds of birds chirping and running water at certain times. A pigeon that appears from the small window brightly tells you the time.

Equipped with a light sensing sensor. Itautomatically muteswhen it gets dark. Two-level adjustable volume is also popular.

`Dapré` is an artistic term that means `paying homage to artists of the past.` This is a cuckoo clock featuring the work of Lucio Fontana, one of Italy's leading artists of the 20th century. Click here for Pirondini Italia collection  



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Body: Lacquered fiberboard

Pirondini Italia


Lombardy Sondrio/ 1978~ Design clock

Founded by Ambrogio Pirondini under the brand "Arti e Mestieri". Initially, he collaborated with his younger brother Giovanni Pirondini, who studied architecture at Politecnico di Milano, to manufacture wooden boxes and containers for local food manufacturers, but later established Pirondini Italia. We manufacture interior goods under the ``Italia'' brand, and have entered the domestic and international markets by collaborating with numerous designers and artists who are famous not only in Italy but also overseas. The company was the first to reinterpret the traditional Black Forest cuckoo clock in a modern way, and from the early '90s to today, the company continues to offer new, fun, and unique collections of timepieces. .

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