
Colletto coffee table MOSCHINO collaboration product

¥1,279,000(tax included)

Famous for its luxury Italian designer furnitureAltreforme Company. We have released a number of unique interior items made from lightweight and durable high-quality aluminum. This is a coffee table designed in the image of a clown's collar in collaboration with the Italian high-end brand MOSCHINO. *This product can be customized to your favorite color. Please contact us. Click here for the Altreforme collection

About the product

A pioneer in luxury Italian designer furnitureAltreforme Company. This is a project initiated by the Fontana Group, a long-established aluminum car body manufacturer founded in 1956. By making full use of the processing technology we have cultivated over many years, we manufacture many unique interior items using high-quality aluminum with the thinnest thickness of 0.9 mm, which is both light and durable. The designers include famous artists from various countries, and their works have attracted worldwide attention at shows such as the Milan Salone. This is a coffee table made in collaboration with MOSCHINO, Italy's leading pop fashion brand. Colletto means collar, and the aluminum legs, which look like folded pieces of paper, pay homage to MOSCHINO's Arlecchino series. This is exactly the design of Arlecchino Piero's collar. The interior is unique with metallic colors that highlight the dynamic, multifaceted shape of the table. *This product can be customized to your favorite color. Please contact us. Click here for the Altreforme collection



red/Customize to your favorite color


aluminum, glass



Lecco, Lombardy/2008~ Aluminum furniture and home accessories

Altreforme Altreforme is an internationally recognized innovative design brand specializing in transforming aluminum into high quality bespoke furniture. The company was founded in 2008 as a diversification project by the Fontana Group, which produces aluminum bodies for luxury car brands such as Rolls-Royce and Ferrari, creating unique pieces with originality and distinctive design. The company has a history of more than 60 years in automobile manufacturing, and uses its processes and techniques to create superior furniture that keeps up with the times.

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