2023.02.28 [tue]

Capital of Culture ’23: Bergamo and Brescia

Do you know Bergamo and Brescia, two cities in Northern Italy?

When you think of Italy, you may have a strong image of central and southern areas such as Florence and Naples.

I’ve been living in Bergamo for three years now, and it’s actually one of the busiest cities, as it’s home to world heritage sites and Bergamo Airport, a port for European low-cost airlines.

In 2023, Bergamo and the neighboring town of Brescia have been selected as Italy’s representative cultural capitals. Various initiatives and events are planned throughout the year.

In this article, I would like to give an overview of Culture City and delve into the highlights of the two cities.

INDEX : Click to go< /em>

1. What is the Italian Capital of Culture project?

Project approved by the Ministry of Culture
Purpose of the project
What is the European Capital of Culture
Italian Capital of Culture so far
Two cities will be joint capitals in 2023

2. BGBS2023 project

The city of hidden treasures / The city of nature / The inventive city / Culture as a cure
The New York Times is also paying attention!

3. Bergamo

Speaking of Bergamo:
Gaetano Donizetti / Academia Carrara / Orio al Serio Airport

4. Brescia

Speaking of Brescia:
Roman UNESCO World Heritage Site / Mille Miglia / Franciacorta

5. BGBS2023 Scheduled Events

6. At the end

What is the Italian Capital of Culture project?

The country of Italy, which is full of diverse cultures such as food, fashion, and architecture, has only a short history after unification, so it is often mentioned in the blog that each city has a different cultural background. But I made a special note.

So what kind of project is this “Culture Capital Project”?

Official image of Italian Capital of Culture 2023 ”Siamo Capitale Italiana della Cultura 2023”
Quote: From the Italian Capital of Culture website

Project approved by the Ministry of Culture

The official name of the “Italian Cultural Capital Project” in Italian is “La capitale italiana della cultura”.

Every year by a seven-member committee of the Italian Ministry of Culture (MiC) This is a project in which one city is selected and its cultural initiatives and developments are featured for one year.

This is a young project that was launched in 2014, but the idea was “European Capital of Culture / European Capital of Culture / La&nbsp ;capitale europea della cultura’, the then Minister of CultureDario Franceschini‘s support made this possible.

Mr. Dario Franceschini
(Quoted from wikipedia)

Project purpose

The purpose of this Cultural Capital project is

”Supporting, encouraging and promoting the autonomous planning and implementation capacity of cities so that the value of
cultural influence on social cohesion, integration, creativity, innovation, growth and the economy increases.”

It is said to be


If you are selected as a host city, you will be able to actively promote the city for one year, and you will also receive 1 million euros (approximately 140 million yen as of February 20, 2023 exchange rate), so you can help revitalize the town. Every year, many cities take on the challenge.

What is the European Capital of Culture

The Italian Capital of CultureWhat kind of project is the “European City of Culture Project”?

This project, which started in Athens in 1985, was originally held by each member country in turn each year, with the government of that country deciding on the host city.

At first, “Europe’s representative cultural cities” were selected, but as their economic effects began to attract attention, “cities that were economically stagnant and were aiming for recovery” were selected. became.

To date, four cities in Italy have been selected as cultural capitals. The 2033 event will also be held in an Italian city.

1986 Florence
2000 Bologna
2004 Genoa
2019 Year Matera
2033 TBA

European Capitals of Culture official website

This year, 2023, Eleusis, Greece, Hungary ・Vesprem, Timișoara, Romania Three cities have been selected.

Italian Capital of Culture so far

The Italian Capital of Culture project, which began in earnest in 2015, will be held in 13 cities in total, including the two capitals this year.

The five cities jointly awarded the title in 2015 were selected as finalists in the 2019 European Capital of Culture competition, but unfortunately missed out on winning.

In 2019, the European Capital of Culture was selected from Italy, so there was no title.

Also, in 2020, it was determined that this project could not be fully implemented within the period due to the effects of the pandemic, so Parma continued to serve as the Capital of Culture in 2021.

Two cities will be joint capitals in 2023

Bergamo and Brescia have very similar cultures and personalities, so it is often said that Bergamo and Brescia are like dogs and monkeys.

The joint cultural capital of Bergamo and Brescia, also known by the initials B, opened on January 20, 2023.

The main theme of the project is “The Enlightened City”. We aim to fully showcase the history and present of these two cities that have existed for centuries, and aim for further development. Here are four more detailed themes.

The city of hidden treasures

While discovering and preserving the history and heritage that has been maintained until today, we aim to create a new town that makes use of them.

The city of nature

Reconsider the relationship between people’s lives and nature and rebuild a new relationship in a sustainable way.

The inventive city

We will work with companies, chambers of commerce, universities, and technical training institutions to develop talent and enable innovative inventions.

Culture as a cure

From the experience of the tragic pandemic, we will reexamine the structural vulnerabilities that have become evident both domestically and internationally, and consider people’s well-being from the perspective of a culture of prevention and socialization.

Quote/Translation: From the Italian Capital of Culture 2023 official website

The New York Times also takes note!

For those living in Japan, it may be difficult to receive information about Italy. However, this cultural capital project is also attracting attention from around the world.

The New York Times “52 Places to Visit in 2023”.

Bergamo and Brescia are the only Italian cities to feature in this ranking, ranking 47th out of 52 cities.

According to journalist Julie Besonen, “Under normal circumstances these two cities might not be as good as Milan, but this year they will enjoy priority events as they have been named Capitals of Culture.” (Translation) ”.

Let me explain a little about the cities of Bergamo and Brescia.

From New York Times “52 Places to Go in 2023”


View from Citta Alta
< /div>

Located one hour north of Milan, Bergamo is a peaceful city with a population of approximately 120,000 that can easily be visited on a day trip. Its biggest attraction is that it is divided into two upper and lower towns, Citta Bassa and Citta Alta.

Città Bassa, which means lower town, is an area where people mainly live, right in front of Bergamo railway station. There are many bars, restaurants, commercial facilities, and educational institutions, and many people come to work or go to school from within and outside Bergamo.

At the back of Citta Bassa is Citta Alta (Upper Town). Città Alta, which has its origins in the Middle Ages, was built in the 1500s under Venetian rule as an impregnable fortress, and much of it still remains today.

When you take the cable car to the top, you will see the old town as if you were walking through a medieval town. In the Piazza Vecchia in the center, 100 bells are still rung every day at 10pm to signal the closing of the castle, a reminder of those days.

Bergamo, which is said to have existed before the Roman period, has been ruled by various powers, including the Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, and the Austrian Empire, until it reaches the present day.

It has historical attractions such as the courier company, which was founded around 1300 and played an important postal role connecting Milan, Venice, and Rome, and the city walls, which were built around the 15th century and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Road leading to the main gate connecting Citta Bassa and Citta Alta

Speaking of Bergamo

Gaetano Donizetti | Opera composer

An opera composer representing Italy in the first half of the 19th century.

He is known as one of the three great masters of bel canto opera, and was popular along with Rossini and Bellini.

Major works:
1832 Elisir of Love
1835 Lucia of Lammermoor

Academia Carrara | Museum

A museum in Bergamo that also has an art school attached. It has over 300 exhibits.

It all began when Giacomo Carrara, an art collector, donated his vast art collection to the city of Bergamo at the end of the 18th century.

The art school remained in the same location until 1912, but after independence it became an official art academy.

Official homepage
Online catalog 

Orio al Serio Airport

It is located only about 5 kilometers from the city of Bergamo and is an airport for mainly European low-cost airlines.

As it is home to Ryanair’s headquarters, it is frequently used by European travelers, and before the pandemicIn 2019, annual passenger numbers exceeded 12 million. The huge shopping mall next door is also very popular.


Brescia is also a large city about an hour from Milan, and is the second most populous city in Lombardy, with a population of 190,000. Famous as one of Italy’s leading industrial cities, it specializes in the machinery, steel, and weapons industries.

Clock in the center of the city
< /div>

Brescia, which is said to have existed for 1200 years, was a Germanic city It was exposed to powers such as the Lombard Kingdom and the Republic of Venice.

In addition, the twists and turns of various eras can be seen even today, with buildings that were influenced by fascists remaining.

The city is lined with large, historic buildings such as Brescia Castle, the Old and New Cathedrals, and the Loggia Palace, and the city is dotted with plazas. Although the city of Brescia is large enough for the metro to pass through, it also has a unique topography with Lake Garda to the east and Lake Iseo to the west.

Speaking of Brescia

Roman UNESCO World Heritage Site

A UNESCO World Heritage Site consisting of the ruins of the Lombard Kingdom, which established a kingdom around present-day Brescia in 568.“The Lombards of Italy: Footprints of Power (568-774)” is located in Brescia.

There are Roman Forum buildings from the Roman period, the Monastery of Santa Giulia, and the Art Museum, and the Santa Giulia Museum has over 11,000 exhibits, so we highly recommend you to visit it.

Inside the Santa Giulia Museum

Car racing, Mille Miglia

It is also the birthplace of the classic car race “Mille Miglia”, which I previously introduced on the blog.

This year, the race is scheduled for June 13th to June 17th, and it is also worth noting that various events will be held in the city of Brescia even before the race.

Brescia is also home to the Museo Mille Miglia. A museum filled with the history of the tournament and rare classic cars, it’s a must-see for enthusiasts.

Click here for the article about Mille Miglia


Franciacorta is an Italian sparkling wine with DOCG (Designation of Origin with Controlled Guarantee).

Currently produced by over 100 wineries. Because it takes a long time to ship, it is often not exported overseas, but some wineries seem to be doing business with Japan.

The Franciacorta Festa is also held around September every year, and there are events where you can enjoy local cuisine and Franciacorta at a great price.

Vineyard and wine at the winery I visited last year

BGBS2023 Scheduled Events

The project opened on January 20, 2023, and over 100 cultural and entertainment events are already planned for about a year until December 31.

It is predicted that the number of events will continue to increase as we head into summer, but I would like to introduce three events that I am personally paying attention to.

Risorgimento Museum / Museo del Risorgimento – Leonessa d’Italia

Museo Risorgimento will be returned.

The museum of the Italian unification movement in Brescia is one of the most important museums in Italy about the Risorgimento (Italian unification movement).

The museum reopened on January 28th and will remain open until December 31st. For more information, please visit here.

Quote: From BGBS2023 official website

〈Bergamo〉Cecco del Caravaggio Exhibition

Had a great influence on the formation of Baroque paintingThe first exhibition dedicated to Cecco del Caravaggio, one of Caravaggio‘s direct pupils, It will be held at Academia Carrara.

The exhibition is scheduled to run from January 28th to June 4th. For more information, please visit here.

Quote: From BGBS2023 official website

〈Both Cities〉La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra Mao Fujita Special Concert

During the 60th International Piano Festival of Brescia and Bergamo, special concerts will be held in Brescia on April 22nd and in Bergamo on May 4th.

In Brescia, Rachmaninoff’s Concerto No. 3 and Tchaikovsky’s “Pathétique” are scheduled. In Bergamo, Rachmaninov’s Concerto No. 3, Stravinsky’s Chant, and Prokofev’s Symphony No. 7 are scheduled.

Hearing Mao Fujita, a 23-year-old Japanese pianist, perform in Italy. It looks like it will be a wonderful opportunity.

For more information here.

Quote: BGBS2023 official website More

A wide variety of other programs are being announced one after another, including operas, plays, concerts, exhibitions, and lectures.


The Italian Capital of Culture project allows you to enjoy the culture of Italian cities to the fullest.

Why not go a little outside of the usual tourist spots and have a special experience that can only be had this year?

When traveling to Italy, be sure to visit Bergamo and Brescia this year.

〈Please also read this article〉

〈Reference site〉

Bergamo Brescia Capitale Italiana della Cultura Official Homepage:

European Capital of Culture Official Homepage: /

Until now, it was customary for one city to be selected each year for the Cultural Capital Project, but

Despite the fact that Bergamo and Brescia, which have suffered enormous and serious damage from Covid-19, did not participate in the selection process, they proposed to jointly become the capital for their reconstruction and revitalization, and the Italian government Determined by

BGBS2023 project

Bergamo and Brescia have very similar cultures and personalities, so it is often said that Bergamo and Brescia are like dogs and monkeys.

The joint cultural capital of Bergamo and Brescia, also known by the initials B, opened on January 20, 2023.

The main theme of the project is “The Enlightened City”. We aim to fully showcase the history and present of these two cities that have existed for centuries, and aim for further development. Here are four more detailed themes.

The city of hidden treasures

While discovering and preserving the history and heritage that has been maintained until today, we aim to create a new town that makes use of them.

The city of nature

Reconsider the relationship between people’s lives and nature and rebuild a new relationship in a sustainable way.

The inventive city

We will work with companies, chambers of commerce, universities, and technical training institutions to develop talent and enable innovative inventions.

Culture as a cure

From the experience of the tragic pandemic, we will reexamine the structural vulnerabilities that have become evident both domestically and internationally, and consider people’s well-being from the perspective of a culture of prevention and socialization.

Quote/Translation: From the Italian Capital of Culture 2023 official website

The New York Times also takes note!

For those living in Japan, it may be difficult to receive information about Italy. However, this cultural capital project is also attracting attention from around the world.

The New York Times “52 Places to Visit in 2023”.

Bergamo and Brescia are the only Italian cities to feature in this ranking, ranking 47th out of 52 cities.

According to journalist Julie Besonen, “Under normal circumstances these two cities might not be as good as Milan, but this year they will enjoy priority events as they have been named Capitals of Culture.” (Translation) ”.

Let me explain a little about the cities of Bergamo and Brescia.

From New York Times “52 Places to Go in 2023”


View from Citta Alta
< /div>

Located one hour north of Milan, Bergamo is a peaceful city with a population of approximately 120,000 that can easily be visited on a day trip. Its biggest attraction is that it is divided into two upper and lower towns, Citta Bassa and Citta Alta.

Città Bassa, which means lower town, is an area where people mainly live, right in front of Bergamo railway station. There are many bars, restaurants, commercial facilities, and educational institutions, and many people come to work or go to school from within and outside Bergamo.

At the back of Citta Bassa is Citta Alta (Upper Town). Città Alta, which has its origins in the Middle Ages, was built in the 1500s under Venetian rule as an impregnable fortress, and much of it still remains today.

When you take the cable car to the top, you will see the old town as if you were walking through a medieval town. In the Piazza Vecchia in the center, 100 bells are still rung every day at 10pm to signal the closing of the castle, a reminder of those days.

Bergamo, which is said to have existed before the Roman period, has been ruled by various powers, including the Roman Empire, the Republic of Venice, and the Austrian Empire, until it reaches the present day.

It has historical attractions such as the courier company, which was founded around 1300 and played an important postal role connecting Milan, Venice, and Rome, and the city walls, which were built around the 15th century and are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Road leading to the main gate connecting Citta Bassa and Citta Alta

Speaking of Bergamo

Gaetano Donizetti | Opera composer

An opera composer representing Italy in the first half of the 19th century.

He is known as one of the three great masters of bel canto opera, and was popular along with Rossini and Bellini.

Major works:
1832 Elisir of Love
1835 Lucia of Lammermoor

Academia Carrara | Museum

A museum in Bergamo that also has an art school attached. It has over 300 exhibits.

It all began when Giacomo Carrara, an art collector, donated his vast art collection to the city of Bergamo at the end of the 18th century.

The art school remained in the same location until 1912, but after independence it became an official art academy.

Official homepage
Online catalog 

Orio al Serio Airport

It is located only about 5 kilometers from the city of Bergamo and is an airport for mainly European low-cost airlines.

As it is home to Ryanair’s headquarters, it is frequently used by European travelers, and before the pandemicIn 2019, annual passenger numbers exceeded 12 million. The huge shopping mall next door is also very popular.


Brescia is also a large city about an hour from Milan, and is the second most populous city in Lombardy, with a population of 190,000. Famous as one of Italy’s leading industrial cities, it specializes in the machinery, steel, and weapons industries.

Clock in the center of the city
< /div>

Brescia, which is said to have existed for 1200 years, was a Germanic city It was exposed to powers such as the Lombard Kingdom and the Republic of Venice.

In addition, the twists and turns of various eras can be seen even today, with buildings that were influenced by fascists remaining.

The city is lined with large, historic buildings such as Brescia Castle, the Old and New Cathedrals, and the Loggia Palace, and the city is dotted with plazas. Although the city of Brescia is large enough for the metro to pass through, it also has a unique topography with Lake Garda to the east and Lake Iseo to the west.

Speaking of Brescia

Roman UNESCO World Heritage Site

A UNESCO World Heritage Site consisting of the ruins of the Lombard Kingdom, which established a kingdom around present-day Brescia in 568.“The Lombards of Italy: Footprints of Power (568-774)” is located in Brescia.

There are Roman Forum buildings from the Roman period, the Monastery of Santa Giulia, and the Art Museum, and the Santa Giulia Museum has over 11,000 exhibits, so we highly recommend you to visit it.

Inside the Santa Giulia Museum

Car racing, Mille Miglia

It is also the birthplace of the classic car race “Mille Miglia”, which I previously introduced on the blog.

This year, the race is scheduled for June 13th to June 17th, and it is also worth noting that various events will be held in the city of Brescia even before the race.

Brescia is also home to the Museo Mille Miglia. A museum filled with the history of the tournament and rare classic cars, it’s a must-see for enthusiasts.

Click here for the article about Mille Miglia


Franciacorta is an Italian sparkling wine with DOCG (Designation of Origin with Controlled Guarantee).

Currently produced by over 100 wineries. Because it takes a long time to ship, it is often not exported overseas, but some wineries seem to be doing business with Japan.

The Franciacorta Festa is also held around September every year, and there are events where you can enjoy local cuisine and Franciacorta at a great price.

Vineyard and wine at the winery I visited last year

BGBS2023 Scheduled Events

The project opened on January 20, 2023, and over 100 cultural and entertainment events are already planned for about a year until December 31.

It is predicted that the number of events will continue to increase as we head into summer, but I would like to introduce three events that I am personally paying attention to.

Risorgimento Museum / Museo del Risorgimento – Leonessa d’Italia

Museo Risorgimento will be returned.

The museum of the Italian unification movement in Brescia is one of the most important museums in Italy about the Risorgimento (Italian unification movement).

The museum reopened on January 28th and will remain open until December 31st. For more information, please visit here.

Quote: From BGBS2023 official website

〈Bergamo〉Cecco del Caravaggio Exhibition

Had a great influence on the formation of Baroque paintingThe first exhibition dedicated to Cecco del Caravaggio, one of Caravaggio‘s direct pupils, It will be held at Academia Carrara.

The exhibition is scheduled to run from January 28th to June 4th. For more information, please visit here.

Quote: From BGBS2023 official website

〈Both Cities〉La Scala Philharmonic Orchestra Mao Fujita Special Concert

During the 60th International Piano Festival of Brescia and Bergamo, special concerts will be held in Brescia on April 22nd and in Bergamo on May 4th.

In Brescia, Rachmaninoff’s Concerto No. 3 and Tchaikovsky’s “Pathétique” are scheduled. In Bergamo, Rachmaninov’s Concerto No. 3, Stravinsky’s Chant, and Prokofev’s Symphony No. 7 are scheduled.

Hearing Mao Fujita, a 23-year-old Japanese pianist, perform in Italy. It looks like it will be a wonderful opportunity.

For more information here.

Quote: BGBS2023 official website More

A wide variety of other programs are being announced one after another, including operas, plays, concerts, exhibitions, and lectures.


The Italian Capital of Culture project allows you to enjoy the culture of Italian cities to the fullest.

Why not go a little outside of the usual tourist spots and have a special experience that can only be had this year?

When traveling to Italy, be sure to visit Bergamo and Brescia this year.

〈Please also read this article〉

〈Reference site〉

Bergamo Brescia Capitale Italiana della Cultura Official Homepage:

European Capital of Culture Official Homepage: /

Author of this article


4th year in Italy. He lives in Bergamo, a city in the north that is also a world heritage site. We will tell you about fresh local experiences.